

1. The first account of surfing was given in 1778 by Captain James Cook when he saw it being practised in Hawaii.

2. Cook wrote: “I could not help concluding this man had the most supreme pleasure while he was driven so fast and so smoothly by the sea.”

3. The first official surfing contest took place at Corona del Mar, California in 1928.
The first recorded use of ‘surfing’ as a mode of using the internet was in 1992.
4. The first recorded use of ‘surfing’ as a mode of using the internet was in 1992.

5. The term ‘channel-surfing’ for frequent changes between TV channels dates back to 1986.

6. The record for the longest surf ride is 3hr 55min, set by Panamanian surfer Gary Saavedra in 2011, riding an artificial wave created by power boat.

7. There has been a degree course in Surf Science and Technology at Plymouth University since 1999.

8. A person who hangs around a beach pretending to be a surfer but isn’t is called a ‘hodad’.

9. A surfer who leads with his right foot is called ‘goofy-foot’; leading with the left is ‘regular foot’.

10. Surf detergent was introduced by Unilever in 1959. It became so popular in some parts of the world that ‘surf’ is the word for detergent in Urdu.
