
As it tends to be the case in this day and age, I was on Google searching for some images. I believe I had typed, “vato surfers,” into the search box. Instead of receiving an innumerable amount of vatos surfing, Google magically unearthed this awesome image of the silver caned surfer. I guess I should've been disappointed, but really, this image is much more engaging than any potential “vato surfer” image. Nor do I really want to criticize the company that basically makes the Internet possible. Remember the days before Google? I sure as hell don't. I don't know how I found anything on the Internet. Actually I don't think I ever found anything on the Internet unless it was in my outdated's email inbox.
But now we can find images of old ladies in pink sweaters riding pink surfboards pumping down the face of the mural wave in the wrong direction. What is not to love?
