
 We’ve been doing a lot of surfing lately, and I have played golf my whole life. So I couldn’t help but see the similarities between these two sports. So without further adieu….

10 Reasons Why Surfing is Like Golf

  1. They both have the same first rule – don’t hurt yourself.
  2. It is completely exhausting, and afterwards, you have a strong desire to drink heavily.
  3. It takes balls to do both.
  4. When girls do it well, it’s extremely hot.
  5. All day you will completely suck, but by night you will only remember the one good shot or ride that keeps you coming back.
  6. When other people don’t follow the etiquette, you quickly lose all respect for them.
  7. It’s something that old guys can do surprisingly well.
  8. It looks easy, but is far from it.
  9. The best conditions are found early in the morning.
  10. They both can give you skin cancer if you’re not careful.
  11. Crowds suck!
(#11 – aka The 19th Hole – aka One Last Good Wave)
