
When you are passionate, it possesses you. You dream about it, sometimes you get hooked. Dale Webster is a 67 year old American who has lived his passion to the fullest since he surfed every day of his life without exception since September 3, 1975, with a minimum of 3 waves per day. Fourteen thousand six hundred and forty-one days. Even more impressive when this number is written. 14 641 ! Being dedicated to your sport as it has been means surfing every day, no matter what the weather conditions. Weather caprices never prevented him from putting on his suit and riding his 3 waves.

On October 5, 2015, Dale didn't go surfing. His great adventure came to an end because of a kidney problem that forced him to make his health a priority. Kelly Slater that day himself greeted this hero of surfing, this great man passionate about surfing. We hope that his much loved spot in Bodega Bay, California will soon become his favourite playground again.

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