
Surfing videos have never been so numerous on the internet. Every day, brands, sponsors and surfers themselves.... flood video networks. They arrive as fast as they leave and it is hard not to miss anything and to remember everything. Difficult then to find oneself there. This little digest will help you not to miss anything of the past month. This month, we (re)take the direction of Namibia where Koa Smith surfed the wave of a life, but we also go to North Point, Keramas and Fiji in particular...  Just the cream of the crop. Until next month's recap, we're enjoying it!

#10 Ryan Callinan - Fiji, filmed by Jack Taylor

#9 Dillon Perillo - North Point, Western Australia, filmed by Andrew Schoener

#8 Noa Deane - Gold Coast, Australia, filmed by Josh Simpson

#7 Italo Ferriera - Keramas, Bali, filmed by WSL

#6 John John Florence - Keramas, "No Contest" filmed by Redbull

# 5 Taj Burrow - Cult of Freedom: The Taj Section, filmed by Dave Fox

# 4 Chippa Wilson - Drag II, filmed by Dave Fox

# 3 Creed McTaggart - North Point, Western Australia, filmed by Josh Simpson

#2 Oliver Kurtz - Namibia, filmed by himself 

#1 Koa Smith - POV Namibia filmed by Christopher Rogers

Video by Surfer 

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