
not too long ago, I got a curious Facebook event invitation. It was the final piece of an idea that had been born a year earlier but never put into action. Maybe Hermosa Beach’s Morgan Sliff was too busy surfing every single day (Figuratively every day. She’s surfed over 700 consecutive days now) to actually bring it to life all this time. And maybe it was the obnoxious heatwave overtaking Los Angeles all week, with temps hitting triple digits in most of the county and cranking South Bay thermometers up into the unbearable high-70s, that gave her a little inspiration to see it all through.
“What’s better than invading a crowded surf spot with a ridiculous amount of friends?” she wrote.
The answer: this. Instructions were clear. Dress like a pirate, bring a water gun (and the noise). It was time to pillage, plunder, and snake at the Hermosa Pier. Wreak havoc, we were told. And why would we do this? Is there even a point, you ask.
“No,” Morgan said. So carnage ensued. Many were lost.
But honestly, who wouldn’t jump at the chance to surf on a day when the first rule of the lineup is snaking is encouraged?
