
The dark shadow just below the surface certainly looks like a shark. “Surfing with the big fishes today,” it read on the surfing dog’s instagram. So while the local news shared the story of Sugar’s surf session encounter as a possible scare, at least Sugar’s entourage wasn’t phased by sharing a wave with what they believe was a 9-10 foot shark.
It was most likely the exact same shark that prompted Huntington Beach lifeguards to call a closure of the water for 24-hours beginning Sunday. Lifeguards reported a sighting off the pier midday, acknowledging that the shark didn’t look aggressive but they would keep everybody out of the water as a precaution.  At the time, the quarterfinal heat of a scholastic series contest was underway with lifeguards ordering everybody out of the water immediately and canceling the rest of the event.
Nonetheless, Sugar got the shot.
A photo posted by Sugar (@sugarthesurfingdog) on
