
The new movie featuring Matt Bromley impresses for the quantity and quality of its adrenaline-pumped content.

Matt Bromley is a professional South African big wave surfer. He hasn't won anything spectacular yet, but as he likes to say, "one time, I beat Jordy."
Bromley's job is not different from many other fellow big wave riders. He analyzes weather forecasts, makes decisions, travels, hunts, and rides the most harmful waves on the planet.
In the last year, he traveled the world with his filmmaker friend Guy Mac. They visited Jaws, Nazaré, Dungeons, Ireland, Indonesia, and even Iceland.
The result of their extreme adventures is "Risky Business," a must-see, 25-minute movie, with loads of thrilling rides, breathtaking wipeouts, and deep barrels. The quality of the footage and the carefully picked soundtrack make it a great surf video.
"Jaws was pretty big and scary. When you see those mountains marching into the bay, you just want to paddle for the horizon. I waited two hours for my first wave and then snuck in on a fun one behind Kai Lenny," Bromley wrote.
"Risky Business" invites you to step up your game, but it also teaches us to be humble, and always remember the infinite power of Nature.
