
Thanks to one man’s generous act, dozens of kids at an elementary school in Burlington, Iowa, won’t go hungry – or broke.
Local resident Jerry Fenton walked into Grimes Elementary School last week with a smile and check to pay the overdue student lunch accounts for the whole school for the year.
The man ended up donating around $700 to make up for the unpaid balances in students’ accounts.
“I gave them extra money in the account so that every kid at Grimes Elementary school won’t be hungry the rest of this school year,” Fenton posted on Facebooklast Tuesday. “Now it’s your turn to do something good for your fellow man.”
Fenton, the owner of Arrowhead Motel, said his act of kindness made him feel proud.
He posted about the gesture on Facebook and was overwhelmed with praise.
“Wowsers! Jerry Fenton, a citizen of our community paid for all overdue lunches of all Grimes kids today!” Grimes Elementary posted on Facebook. “Jerry, you are our hero!”
The school said the gesture made a “huge difference in the lives of so many kids” – about 89 in total, according to Fenton.
“Thank you so much Mr. Fenton. Our hearts (and stomachs) are full,” the school said.
