
From Surf4Smile: Surfing makes life better. It makes us smile, it makes us laugh and it brings us together. We share this zest of life. We are brought together by a common interest: to travel as a means of understanding the world and meeting incredible people along the way.
Photo courtesy of Surf4Smile
Photo courtesy of Surf4Smile
We may not be rich financially (enough to fund our first mission), but we find richness in our diversity. Our team is made up of passionate and unique individuals from all walks of life. Among us we have members of all ages: old, young and in between. We stem from a variety of nationalities including French, Italian and Spanish. We are composed of a range of occupations as well, uniting the ideas and strengths of high school students, university students and full-time workers. We believe that each person is valuable and has something to share. We celebrate our differences and learn from each other to make ourselves a stronger team.
Our heterogeneous mix is a rare and special combination. Uniformity dies when diversity generates life.
