
Rob Machado surfs very well. For a lot of really good surfers, board design and shaping come as a sort of natural progression, and Rob is one of them. For years, he’s been creating surfboards and Firewire has been watching. Now the surfboard manufacturing giant is going to make a line of Rob’s designs.
“We’ve followed Rob’s career for many years, and there are only a handful of surfers from any generation whose relevance has stood the test of time to the degree that Rob’s has,” said Mark Price, Firewire CEO. “[It is] a testament to his surfing ability and character. The opportunity for Firewire to build his personal surfboard designs for surfers around the world is quite candidly, an honor.
The first of the Machado series is slated for release early in 2016, and as Rob is a pretty eco-conscious guy, they’ll be made from Firewire’s TimberTEK material, which is at least making a step in the right direction in sustainable surfboard materials.
Machado is excited at the prospect. I’m so excited to be working with the crew at Firewire,” he said. “I’ve been designing boards for many years now, and it’s going to be really cool to see those designs come to life in  the Firewire construction. Their focus on producing the most environmentally conscious surfboards is unmatched by anyone in the industry, and it makes me feel that much better about the boards we are making.”
