
You may know his as Thor, the hammer-throwing, cape-wearing cosmonaut, blessed with the fierce blue eyes of an angel and the biceps of a bodybuilder. But Aussie actor Chris Hemsworth is in fact a human (although his impossibly good-looking mug begs to differ), like the rest of us. And like most humans from the Gold Coast, Hemsworth surfs.
As the latest Hollywood heart-throb to grace the glossy cover of Vanity Fair, Hemsworth gave teenage girl readers everywhere a glimpse into his everyday life. VF photographer Bruce Weber released a behind-the-shoot video, which shows the actor adorned in a crown of kittens, staring vaguely off into the void, and talking surf. He explains a time as a kid when he missed out surfing with Slater due to theater practice.
“I just started crying,” Hemsworth says with a laugh. “Since then, [Kelly and I] have become mates. I haven’t told him that story though.”
And now that he’s an international superstar, Hemsworth is mates with surfers and celebs alike – although that line of distinction is becoming increasingly blurred. Hemmy and surfing’s biggest star Mick Fanning have even shared some waves together. But it looks like this Hollywood actor is less concerned with sharks than the current number one:
“We were surfing with Mick Fanning at my place [at Byron Bay],” Hemsworth said. “[Mick] was saying, ‘God it feels so sharky out here. I don’t know how you guys surf here.’ Because there’s no one around, it’s pretty hard to get to…[I think] it’s great, it keeps the crowds away!”
