
It's your day. Celebrate the 11th International Surfing Day (ISD). Go surfing, spend time with your friends and family, and save some time to save our oceans.

New international days are regularly established by the United Nations (UN), but surfing's unofficial day is still out of the political establishment. Maybe one day.

June 20th is the World Refugee Day, and it is also our International Surfing Day. The Surfrider Foundation promotes and boosts celebrations across the globe in more than 30 countries featuring surf contests, barbecues, film screenings and other surf-related activities.

It is also the perfect day for organizing beach cleanups, habitat restoration and other acts promoting coastal protection. Do your share, and the waves will greet you.

"International Surfing Day is a great way for surfers to give back to the sport that has brought them so much joy. The ocean is a fragile environment and we as surfers must set the example to take care of it," underlines Fernando Aguerre, president of the International Surfing Association (ISA).

If you have run out of ideas for the 11th International Surfing Day, we've set up 10 things to do in the International Surfing Day. Enjoy June 20th.
