
"627 Hours" equals 37,620 minutes or, if you prefer, a total of 2,257,200 seconds. Well, that's a lot of time. More than 26 days, actually. Alright, let's stop the math and talk surf.

Film director Kenneth Keeler has spent enough time with Matt McCabe, Mike McCabe, Chad Compton and Kellen Ellison, to understand that he had plenty of footage to make a brand new surf flick.
And that's exactly what he did. A total of 19 minutes and 34 seconds of pure surfing down the Pacific coastline between Ventura, in California, and the heart of Mexico.

In "627 Hours," you'll discover waves that you could ride. Yes, it could be you in that pit. In other words, envy. Or jealousy. Anyway, these four lucky wave hunters scored big time.

"With long drives up and down the Mexican coast the boys searched out some of the best waves Mexico had to offer making every hour count. After some blood, sweat, lots of tacos and epic surf the amigos return to the US with a mind full of memories and a 627-hour journey packed into one 20-minute film," explains Kenneth Keeler.
