
The latest reel – the Spring - is about surfing in the Black Sea. The reel is very special to us and carries a lot of profound meaning. For more than a year we were chasing different swells and capturing that journey on video. The luck was always on our side and we managed to catch waves during every season throughout the year.
Everyone will live through different emotions and make their own sense of the stories of two main characters, who tied their lives to surfing, which changed their lives. The producer speaks to the audience via main characters and with their help he is trying to show the emotions he and his fellow surfers, which share so much in common, live through.
Each frame carries a different sentiment and meaning. When put together, they turn into an outspoken story about ordinary people, which have found the purpose of their lives and the key to their happiness.
This final reel was indirectly supported by Ripcurl-Russia. All further series of our reels about Russian surfing will probably involve different partners and supporters. Though this project is self-contained and is kept alive by our producer (k.kokorev), it is essential to get a partner that has the capacity to support our long-term project, exposing the potential of Russian surfing and all the people, involved in this amazing sport and lifestyle.
We would like to thank everyone in our team, who made their contribution into this reel: Konstantin Kokorev – idea, production, scene selection, editing, promotion; Elisey Gladnikov - operator; Andrey Elisey – sound; Andrey Shevchuk – color correction.
- Liberty films
