
Surfing is generally accepted as being the genesis of all board sports. It was from people standing in the ocean on bits of wood that led to skateboarding, snowboarding, wakeboarding, and all of the either various incarnations of arsing about on a board that have come since.
But, for it’s noble origins, there are some things missing from surfing that the sports it has spawned bratishly have in abundance. But now things are starting to change.

It wasn’t so long ago that we saw Zoltan ‘The Magician” Torkos land a pair of kickflips in the ocean.  But, not to be outdone, we think we’ve just seen the first ever boardslide on a surfboard!
Riding in the early rounds of the Quiksilver Pro at the Gold Coast, Freddy Patacchia was stuck on a losing score of 0.5 with time running out, and little in the way of surfable waves.

Photo: World Surf League/
Clearly frustrated, Patacchia pumped his way through the shallow white wash, and headed straight for a couple of rocks sticking out of the sea. He then popped up, and smashed his board down hard onto the rocks.

Granted, it probably wasn’t his intention to nail a boardslide so much as take out his anger on his board, which was pretty much useless after his toys-out-of-the pram episode.
But let’s not focus on the tantrums so much as the inovation. We’re calling this a legit boardslide. But, as ever, now it’s been done we want more. Surfers of the world; we expect to see a switch casper slide by the end of the week, please.
