
These are the five fellows three-time world champ Mick Fanning prefers to pull focus when he surfs.
You don't live a 15-year career in front of the cameras without developing a tight rapport with the men on the other side of the lens. In the realm of professional surfing, photographers aren't merely business associates, they're travel buddies, they're coaches, they're confidants.

Mick Fanning isn't just your average professional surfer. With three world titles and almost two-dozen major league victories to his name, Mick operates in the all time upper echelons of his sport. A willingness to hit the road and a larger than life personality sees him engage with whoever he crosses paths with around the world, and the cameras can't help but love him.

Instead of having the photographers caption this gallery, we asked Mick to name his favourite photogs, and give us a line or two about each of them, to run alongside their favourite shots of MF.
Accordingly, enjoy five fine frames shot by Fanning's favourite photographers, with captions from the man himself.

Corey Wilson

“Scorey is all time! He just wants to have fun, he's like a little puppy dog! The angles he gets in the water are incredible and the colours he captures are awesome. He's always so excited to shoot in anything. Love hanging with him.”
© Corey Wilson

Ted Grambeau

“Uncle Teddy! The guru has taught me so much about how to work and be professional with photogs. He has so many one liners that half of them fly past without me even noticing! Ted's one of the best to travel with, and really knows how to capture emotion in his photos. Love him!”
© Ted Grambeau

Trent Mitchell

“TM is so good to work with, and one of the nicest guys I know. He goes with the flow and comes up with incredible things that I never would have thought were possible. I'm always curious to see what Trent creates, and I love it when you give him a task and can see his mind start ticking!”
© Trent Mitchell

Stu Gibson

“The green flash! I first met Stu in Fiji and, apart from being a great photog, he pushes people into amazing situations they might not have looked at otherwise. Really good guy, hilarious, and a true madman in the water who creates spectacular moments.”
© Stuart Gibson

Jon Frank

“JF has been a great friend for a long time. The mood and lighting he captures have so much feeling you can't help but get sucked into the moment. Has a different view on the things and is one of my favourite people in the world!”
