
Inge, Markus and Håkon are brothers in dreams. The trio decided to explore the potential of surfing in the uninhabited Bear Island, in Norway. Look what they've found.

Their goal was a classic one - to explore new waves and nature. But the destination was rather unusual - Bjørnøya (Bear Island, in English), the southernmost island of the Norwegian Svalbard archipelago.

"We knew that there had to be waves out there, and this was truly a place few or no one had ever surfed before. The surfing was our main motivation for going there, but we also wanted to have the opportunity to wake up each morning and do exactly what we felt like," explains Inge Wegge, director of "Bjørnøya."
"A little before we left mainland for the Bear Island we found out that I was going to be a father. That influenced me in many ways on the trip, and being away from my wife, friends and family was even harder than expected."
The team stayed in the Norwegian island from April to June. They've surfed virgin waves, they had time to explore their inner selves, and they gave back to nature.
Inge, Markus and Håkon collected all the trash they found on all the beaches they've camped on, that is to say tons of plastic and other things that float ashore. "Bjørnøya" is their personal story. Their Norwegian adventure condensed in a 82-minute documentary.
