
As a surfer living in the Mediterranean, consistency is not your friend, but that doesn't mean there isn't a thriving surf community waiting eagerly for those few days every now and then that make it worth it.
The tail end of last week saw one of those swells in the city that make being a surfer in Barcelona worth the wait. To those with long range swell on tap, the 3ft @ 10secs that peaked on the 5th of February may not be much to get excited about, but when the winds comply, these bread and butter swells are what keep the Mediterranean surf community alive.

Three years ago, I didn't know about surfing in Barcelona. But trust me, now it's huge.
"On average there are three or four good surfing days a month, but there are months where you might spend your days waiting for even small foam," says photographer Adrian Valles. "On the other hand in winter the weather produces swell up to 3-4ft, but because the swell is inconsistent it can also be a bit frustrating as a surfer living in Barcelona." It's these reasons that surfers from this region clock up the air miles in the search of hollow waves.

"Three years ago, I didn't know about surfing in Barcelona," says photographer Adrain Valles. "But trust me, now it's huge." No doubt, the fact that new surf shops and schools have opened up on Barceloneta have helped the scene to flourish and a transition in beach culture to take place, seeing a major increase in numbers in the water.

All photos by Adrian Valles / Barcelona Surfing.

Our Mediterranean chart showing the peak of the swell as it brushes Barcelona on the 5th of Feb.

Our Mediterranean chart showing the peak of the swell as it brushes Barcelona on the 5th of Feb.
© 2015 - magicseaweed

For more Barcelona surfing action, check out Adrian's Instagram
