
 Shark attack survivor Sean Pollard.

The story of Esperance shark attack survivor Sean Pollard is set to be screened on nationwide television this month.

A crew from 60 Minutes has made several visits to Esperance as part of a story about the Bunbury man's ordeal in which he had part of both of his arms bitten off in a shark attack while surfing at Kelp Beds Beach, about 150 metres from the shore. The shark attack happened at Wylie Bay on October 2.

A WIN Network spokesperson said "a team from 60 Minutes has made several trips to Esperance for a story about Sean Pollard that will air later this month".

Ross Tamlin, Dean Gaebler and Peter and Kylie Rothnie were awarded for their part in the rescue of shark attack victim Sean Pollard. Photo: The Esperance Express

After being attacked Mr Pollard swum up to 100-metres back to shore before being pulled from the water by Peter Rothnie and Dean Gaebler. The pair, along with other nearby beach-goers including Mr Rothnie's wife Kylie, who was an off-duty paramedic, and Esperance Primary School deputy principal Ross Tamlin, helped provide Mr Pollard's crucial first-response care.

The day after the attack, two white sharks were captured on drum lines and Esperance residents started a fundraiser to help with Mr Pollard's medical costs and rehabilitation.

The week after the attack Mr Pollard set his first goal which was to be able to stand and receive a group hug from his family.

At the time Mr Pollard's uncle Kim Fergusson said in a statement that the family credited his rescuers with saving the surfer's life.

"We are very appreciative of all the rescuers from Esperance and credit them with saving Sean's life," Mr Fergusson said.

Mr Pollard underwent multiple operations at Royal Perth Hospital and despite suffering such severe injuries, he was determined to fulfill his first goal of receiving a group hug from his family.
