
You've enjoyed years with this surfboard, but it's finally time to say goodbye. Either it's badly beaten, broken down, or you just don't have time to hit the waves anymore. What should you do with it now? Definitely do not throw it away. There are a wide variety of alternatives that are better for you and the environment.

Fix it

If you have a beat-up surfboard that you're worried will just leave you swimming, take another look at it before tossing it out. If the damage is superficial, or only on a portion of the board, it may be possible to strip the surface, reshape the board, and give it some coats of polyethylene to bring it back to life. Nothing's better for expressing your love of the sport than your own custom board. Get some inspiration from Cliff Kapono's video The Bonus Round, which documents board shaper Robert Patterson bringing a beat up 1980s relic back to the waves.

Hang it On the Wall

Surfboards can be a great addition to your decor. If it has a great vintage look, consider hanging it as wall art. Install hooks onto the side of the board and hang it up for a unique coat rack. If you're short on storage, hang it on brackets and use it as a shelf. You can also paint it with chalkboard paint for a unique new message board.

Make a Work of Art

In towns where surfing is a part of daily life, local artists have been known to recycle old boards and repurpose them into pieces of custom art. Replacing a canvas with a surfboard not only allows you to make something truly unique, but it also saves that surfboard from heading to the landfill. Don't have any skills with a paintbrush? There are a number of artists who will gladly take is as a donation.

Start Building Some Furniture

From headboards to coffee tables, surfboards can easily become a great addition to furnish your home. Surfboards can make great bar tops with a little labor and some extra sealant to help keep it protected and easy to clean. There are numerous examples online of people building lawn chairs, dining room sets, and even light fixtures from their old boards. The possibilities are endless.

Recycle It

If you're not crafty, or none of these options appeal to you, don't just throw that board in the trash. There are a number of companies that will take that old surfboard off of your hands in order to recycle it. Some of them will even pay you for it. Boards can be used to make building materials, furniture, art, and sometimes brand new surfboards. A simple search through your search engine of choice will put you in contact with some surfboard recyclers.
Surfboards are great tools that help you soar across the water, but they don't last forever. As hundreds of surfboards hit landfills each year, you can do your part to help keep our world a little cleaner. When it's time to let go of your surfboard, make sure to look into the recycling or repurposing options that are available to you. It can live a new life as a household item, a work of art, or get back on the waves.
