
Returning with the cold and deep Atlantic lows, this year’s competition in association with Monster Energy and Nixon will be better than ever.

Fundamentally we are still looking for the one clip which defines the power and the punch of winter. A 90 second edit shot in one session. It could be one wave or ten sick barrels but must be one session shot after October 1st 2014. The winning session gets a travel budget to head wherever they want in the world for both them and their filmer. Whether it is a precision Fiji strike or a bobbing around the Indian Ocean, we have you covered for a trip of lifetime.

To enter download the sting HERE and send your edit via to: and we'll do the rest.

Running in four monthly segments: November, December, January and February we'll be selecting a 10 edit shortlist and submitting it to a panel and public scrutiny. We'll pluck two edits from that shortlist as our monthly winners, whom Nixon will load up with a gleaming timepiece and they will be entered into the grand final. Cue drum roll. The overall winner? The session of the whole winter will be voted on by the shortlisted surfers themselves. One member one vote and the winning edit as decided by a panel of your peers.
Last year, a fresh faced Conor Maguire was shot like a cannon ball from the bowels of an XXL Mullaghmore pit onto a winner's podium. Who will it be this year?

Building on that and looking to reward the diversity of the winter surfer we have added four new categories rewarding: temperature (colder the better), innovation, technical flair and commitment. We had so many great edits last year which were a fingernail off some official recognition. For example Micah Lester's POV edits or a lot of the high performance surfing, deserving reward, but were left out in the cold.

Out in the Cold – The edit which redefines Baltic, we want the viewer shivering and reaching for the thermostat. Supported by C-Skins.

Innovation in Filming – Whether it's attaching a RED Camera to seal, or getting all Inspector Gadget inside the tube, we're looking for unique perspectives. Supported by SP Gadgets.

High Performance Award – Getting high and loose in 5mm of neoprene is a thing to behold. This rewards the most technically advanced surfing in a single session. Go big. Supported by Fourth Surfboards.

Cold Water Commitment – The edit to which the greatest effort has been undertaken tracking down and surfing winter’s ferocity. Simply put, the commitment award. Supported by Surf Ears.

The details

Running from November 2014 – February 2015, any surfer in European waters (plus North Africa) can enter. Including the Mediterranean.

One session, up to 90 seconds and filmed after October 1st.
One surfer per edit
You can enter as many times as you like.

Entries can win more than one prize.

First edits go live on November 1st.

Main Prize: A Trip of a Lifetime
Running in four blocks between November and February, this competition will pick a shortlist of 10 surfers each and every month, two of which will be selected as winners and will move into the grand final.
These two monthly winners will be selected from an alchemy of votes, views, feedback, and pure oomph, by a panel in-house. The eventual winner? Well that's up to the competitors themselves.
This is not a like farm. The final winning edit will be judged by a jury of your peers formed from every shortlisted surfers. One member, one vote.
Final trip budget £5,000 / €6500 / $8000

Category Prizes
Four category winners (for each section) will be selected by the panel each month and will go head to-head-for the overall title after the 4th set of winners have been selected in February.

To enter download the sting HERE and send your edit via to: and we'll do the rest.

We're stoked to see what you're going to get up to.

Main photo credit: Aaron Pierce 
