
Is it necessary to attend a surf school or camp in order to learn how to surf? The simple answer is "No". If you can't take a week off to take a surfing vacation and learn how to surf, or if you prefer to learn on your own, it is possible to learn on your own. Just keep in mind that, as with any other sport or activity, it is helpful to have a knowledgeable and experienced instructor to help you with the basics.

Is A Surf School Different From A Camp
They are pretty much the same thing; in fact, it is common to find that the services each provide tend to overlap with one another. However, there are potential differences between the two. A surf school is just what is implied, a school for learning how to surf, where instructors will help you learn the basics of surfing like how to lay and paddle on your surfboard, how to catch waves, and how to stand up.
On the other hand a surf camp may dedicate itself exclusively to providing surfers with the services they need in order to enjoy a week of surfing, including lodging, meals, surfboard rentals, and surf tours. Surfing lessons may not always be available at a surf camp.

Why Attend A Surfing School
Enrolling in a school can have a number of benefits, especially if you are not familiar with surfing at all. The one thing a quality school should provide its students is safety. On top of this, other benefits include:

  • Experienced instructors
  • Motivation
  • Necessary equipment
  • Great vacation experience

Things To Look For
There are many schools out there, and you can find most of them online. Here are a few things to keep in mind when considering enrolling in a school:

  • Knowledgeable instructors
  • CPR and/or first aid certification
  • Located at a beginner-friendly surf break
  • Uses soft surfboards
