
Surfing is one challenging sport, which is not as easy as you think. You see surfers standing on their boards moving with the waves, having the time of their life. Well it's not as simple as that, these surfers are trained machines, passionate about their sport, whom through daily practice of their craft develop a strong body to keep up with those large, pounding waves. As tough as this may sound, you too can achieve that great body and stamina of a surfer. So how fit do you need to be to learn to surf? With a simple and useful training program you can easily work on making your arms, abs and legs strong enough to be ready to take on your new interest and learn to surf. Here are some points to help you get on your way.

Work on your stability, being able to stay steady will help you to stay on your board and on top of the water. It is important for your legs and core to be strong to help you with this. A few sit ups and lungs will make this possible. Having good balance is a must for an enjoyable surfing experience. When you learn to surf one thing you will initially practise is lying down on your board and jumping up into a crouched position with your legs spread for balance on the sand at the beach, once you have mastered this technique you are ready to hit the waves.

You will also need to work on your arms and back. It is important to have strength in this area so you can paddling through the surf looking for that perfect wave, a few push ups will be enough preparation for this.
When you don't exercise or do some stretching your muscles will become stiff, this will make it hard when you learn to surf which may cause problems and future damage to your muscles and ligaments. When you learn to surf, your cardiovascular system works double time to keep pumping blood around your body while you complete this high activity routine. Keeping the heart healthy with a proper diet, and adequate exercise will be essential in your learn to surf quest. Ideally you will only have to spend 15 to 20 minutes, 3 to 4 times a week exercise, which is what health experts recommend we all do to stay healthy, regardless of whether or not you are going to learn to surf.

The majority of what you need when you learn to surf is patience and determination. Practice makes perfect and practical learning also play a big part in your surfing endeavour. Test the waves and your learning as much as you can.

Surfing requires a lot of hard work, but with practice you will get the hang of it. So work through a surfing course and soon enough, get ready to Hang Ten!
