
Surfing is now a popular sport acclaimed by people from different parts of the globe. It gives a surge of high adrenaline especially for those thrill seekers out there. Surfing just like all other sports would demand its own techniques for anyone to perform it well.

Just like the other sports, surfing also has its origin although it's not really that clear. But James King, an American expeditionist, had some accounts dating back 1779 of seeing locals from Kealakekua Bay in the Hawaii Island riding on the waves with the use of wooden boards. It is also believed that the best surfer was often considered the chief and he owned the best board in the island.

In the modern times, surfing is a widely accepted sport and because of its number of enthusiasts, in fact, has been considered as part of the Olympic Games, although still subject to further debates. So to say the least, surfing holds a lot of promise for its enthusiasts and for those who would like to experience surf adventures. But what does it take to be a surfing master?

Just like in every other sport, you should know the game, same as a mountaineer before he climbs must know the terrain of the mountain he's going to climb in the same manner before anyone goes on surf adventures he must be acquainted with the different types of waves. You must be wary of your safety first before you decide to put up a show since not all waves are suitable for surfing. There are three basic waves and one of them is the shore dump wave which rises above when it's near the beach already as it has a high rise and not for long it slams back into shallow waters with strong impact. This type of wave is not meant for surfing since it is more likely to cause injuries to the surfer and the swimmers in the shallow waters too.
Another kind of wave is called the rolling waves which originate in the deep and goes to shore in moderate intensity, and since it doesn't abruptly die it gives surfers ample time to ride it. This type of wave is good for surf adventures.

Lastly, surging waves are here, these are not the high ones and they continuously hit the beaches and may even indicate a forthcoming storm.

Having known the basic types of waves, you can go and find your own surf adventures and make them as memorable as it can be. But still exercise safety so that you'll still get the chance to tell people about your surf adventures.
