
Surfing provides many health benefits, starting with it being a great cardiovascular exercise. You use your upper body to do paddling, and your leg muscles to guide your balance once you are actually up on the board and surfing. In general, it gives you an intense upper body and core workout. The health benefits you can get include a healthy heart, good stamina, fine muscle tone, endurance, increased energy, and a stronger back, shoulders, core, and legs.

Surfing for Good Exercise
The great thing about surfing is that it is a fun and exciting activity. You would not even notice how long you have been out in the water catching waves. Other cardiovascular activities are not that fun. Some people go jogging, but sometimes it is not enough to motivate them. People who jog usually do a few rounds from what they normally have in plan. Some quit the moment they reach three rounds or just 10 minutes of running. Any exercise instructor will tell you that good exercise is not just about the intensity of your workout, but rather the amount of time spent performing it. When you are surfing, you are constantly moving your entire body, resulting in an excellent full body workout.

Discipline and Encouragement
Another benefit of surfing is that it gives discipline and encouragement. Surfing can also turn most couch potatoes into athletes. Those who get the surfing bug will be eager to wake up early morning even if they have regular work after the exercise. Some even turn surfing into a hobby, giving it more time than anything else. They start to enjoy it so much that they go surfing several times a week.

Younger Looking Benefits
The ocean is a good source of revitalising energy. Surfers love to ride waves that are a good distance off the shorelines. People who surf regularly can still perform well even if they are in their old 60s, 70s, and 80s. In fact, you will be surprised to even realise that older surfers do not look their age. Surfing will keep you in shape and looking healthier and younger.

Mental Benefits
The health benefits of surfing lessons do not only apply to your physical health. They also give you mental benefits. Surfing can reduce stress, and often gives surfers a calm and peaceful attitude about life, which is very beneficial for their psyche. The high stress of today's world is very harmful for your mental wellbeing. Too much work and less exercise can take a toll on your health. Physical exercise such as surfing will help reduce the negative effects of stress in your life. Nothing beats going to the beach, feeling the cool breeze and the warm sun touching your skin. Surfing is a fun activity that helps you forget most of your daily problems.

Proper Nutrition
Surfing is an activity that works most of your body parts; therefore, you will need good nutrition to stay fit and healthy. You should always eat food rich in protein after you surf. This will help recover and repair burned out muscles. Always drink plenty of water and include fruits and vegetables in your diet.
