
Have you ever gone to the beach and realized that the surf was "up" and you didn't have the proper surfboard to surf. Not only did you waste time and gasoline getting there, but you probably ruined your day for surfing. You did not take the time to plan ahead, which you should have been doing the night before and that morning before you load up your car, truck or van to head to your chosen surf spot.

As a surfer, You have decisions to make everyday before you go to the beach, whether it be at the ocean, the lake or on a river. You have to choose where you are going to surf and which surfboard type you are going to surf. Of course, the surfboard you choose will depend on the conditions and also what type surfboard(s) you own.

If you go to the ocean to surf your local break or another break away from home, it is important that you check out the surf report to find out what conditions you can expect. The conditions will dictate the surfboard type that you ride that day.

The surfboard you choose for the day will also be determined by what surfboard types you have in your quiver. I know surfers that have as many as 25 surfboards of varying types, but that is not normal for the majority of you. Many surfers, especially beginners have only one or two. So, if the surfboard types you have do not suit the conditions for the surf spot you have chosen, you better rethink where or what you are going to do.

It would be a good idea for every surfer to have at least two surfboards and these days as many as three. You should have a longboard, shortboard and a SUP. The longboard is for the more gentle waves. the shortboard for the more radical waves that require a higher level of performance, and a SUP aka Standup Paddleboard for conditions where there are no waves or very small waves that are really not suitable to surf.
Whether you go to the ocean, lake or river, you can use all three types of surfboards. However, on a lake or river you need to have a boat to use your longboard or shortboard because you will need be towed behind the boat like a water skier. Surfing behind a boat is called Wakeboarding. There are exceptions to this on the larger lakes where there is sometimes enough wind to cause waves called a wind swell waves. Lake Michigan is an example of a lake that the locals surf.

You can ride your SUP on all bodies of water if there is a large enough space to paddle. Standup paddleboarding has probably become the most popular surfing sport. The learning curve is short and just about everyone can do it. I have seen a family of four out together on their four SUPs. Surfers of all ages are enjoying paddling their SUPs. You can see them on any given day on most bodies of water, especially if the sun is out. Some surfers even surf waves riding their SUP.

Skimboarding is another popular water sport, but normally for the young and vigorous surfers who are in good shape. This is a method of surfing with a very small board, normally around 4 to 4 1/2 feet in length, which you carry while you run down the beach at maximum speed, drop the board in the very shallow water or wet area, jump on the board and ride it out into a wave or skim it on the shore as far as you can go until you run out of momentum. You can do this on any beach that has enough sand or flat area for you to do what I described. You can also ride this little board behind a boat while being towed or on a wet grassy hill normally found on a golf course.

With the advent of wetsuits, hoods, booties and rash guards, it is possible for a surfer to enjoy just about every day at the beach and in the water the year around. These very important items will also protect you from the hot sun. There is nothing worse than going into the water and getting too cold. This will ruin your surfing experience. Getting a sunburn will also ruin your day and maybe days to come when you are too burned to get back out in the sun. You should always be prepared for these situations.

Did you remember to bring your towel and sunblock? Besides using the towel to dry off and wipe the water off of your surfboard before you put it back in your car, you can also use it as a changing room to put on your wet suit or take off your wet board shorts after a surf. Then, my friends, don't forget the surfboard wax and the leash. In the old days, there were no leashes and our surfboards were continually washing up into the rocks when we fell off the board. Rocks cause dings and take your surfboard out of the water while you wait for repairs. Leashes are important. Wax keeps you from slipping off your surfboard. Unless you put a traction pad on your board, like they do on the SUPs, you will be unable to surf because your surfboard will have no traction on the deck and you will slip off the board. Good surfers plan ahead and are always prepared for the occasion. When you are hunting for bear, you don't take a bee bee gun.

The bottom line is to make sure you have the proper equipment. Being prepared will ensure that you have a good day at the beach and in the surf. Get yourself the proper surfboard type for the conditions of the day.
Have fun, and remember surfing the waves and waters of the world will teach you to Surf Life!
The bottom line is that having the proper equipment will ensure that you have a good day at the beach and in the surf. Be prepared. Get yourself the proper surfboard type for the conditions of the day.

Have fun, and remember always to Surf Life!
