
Want to get fit for your surf trip?

Summer is full on already. We are still landlocked but we are looking forward to our surf trip and we want to be prepared when getting into the waves during our holidays.

You might not live at the ocean as we do or you even live close to a surf spot but you don’t find enough time to surf during your week full of work. You are going on that trip and your goal is to surf as much as possible.
You don’t want to be tired after your first session and you don’t want to be sore after two days of surfing!

In this video Mitch shows you a 5 functional fitness exercise circuit you can do at home to be prepared for your surftrip or surfseason.

Used equipment: gymball, resistance band, dumb-bells, surfboard

Don’t forget: Do three laps of that 5 exercise circuit. Work out 2 to 4 times a week.

 Tip for women or beginners: If exercise number 2 (better core and shoulder balance) feels too difficult to you, try to do this exercise in a kneeling position. Works great too!

This is our alternative when there is no ocean to water our board

Hope you like the workout! Be ready when it’s on!
