

Well the title says it all, but im curious to know what makes a surfboard cost so much, like hayden shapes, dhd, superbrand etc... like if you want to buy a new surfboard that is "decent" you will spend well over 500 bucks. so yeah whats with the prices?
By : Tazza


If you look back 25 years and compare the price of surfboards then, to the price of boards today, they have really not gone up very much compared to most everything else. A lot of guys out there don't mind spending a little more for a name brand board like say Channel Islands Surfboards knowing that the boards will work well. Al Merrick is one of the most respected shapers in the world and his boards speak for themselves. Yes you will have to pay a little more for a proven design and shape, but the board is going to work, and that can actually save you money. It's never good to get a new board and then have it not work properly. With some name brand boards You can even look at different models and see how the boards work and compare the differences. I think we can all bennefit from the top shapers out there and all their research and design and expertise!
By : tony g
