
Photo Red Bull

1. Julian or Jordy Win the Title: 2014 should be remembered as the year the guard was finally changed. The year that a title was one by someone under thirty. With freaks like John John Florence and Gabriel Medina arguably too immature to put together a title-sealing season, guys like Jordy Smith and Julian Wilson are just hitting their prime. Both of those gents have some experience under their belts and now is the time to strike. Sorry, Kelly.

2. A Single Grab Backflip: This is going to happen. Trust us.

3. Evan Geiselman Qualifying: Because he’s simply too talented not to. 2014 needs to be a big year for Evan Geiselman and he knows it. And we reckon it’ll be a statement year for him. Another season or two lost in the abyss on the Qualifying Series could see Evan slip into the role of an “East Coast Pro” and out of the international spotlight. But, as we said, the kid is too good for that. So be warned.

4. J-Bay: We don’t care when and we don’t know how. We just want to see it. It sucks having one of the best waves in the world absent from the WCT. But although the contest is gone, the perfection remains. Let’s see some good, pure surfing and let’s see it at the sweetheart of South Africa.

5. The Best Surf Video Ever: Fingers crossed, 2014 will mark the return of something special: the surf video co-op. After a few years of top-level guys focusing on their own biopics, we want the Taylor Steele style return to film— all the best surfers, in all the best waves, cut to good music in short segments. Sounds like a hit to us.
