
Today, it's easier to duck dive, paddle out and catch waves. The first brand to open this inevitable market was Wavejet with its battery-powered aluminum impellers. Everyone understood when and where to use it.
Jetson is different. The surfboard offers a built-in panel with button controls: a stop button and four others for different power levels (eco boost, paddle out, duck dive and take-off).
The surfboard shapes were designed by Marcos Slash, in Spain. There are three models available - an 8', a 6'8'', and a 6'4''. The battery has an autonomy of four hours. The surf gadget has its small jet installed in the surfboard's tail.
"Every detail, every piece has been designed with a view to maximizing the surfing experience: autonomy, size, jet geometry, weight, boost, power, operating controls, automatisms," Jetson explains.
The brand believes that the jet-propelled surfboard should be used as a traditional board. The boosting power is a function for key moments such as paddling out, catching waves or when trapped in rip currents.
